BugLite - How2 Setup

 by Jan W. Zumwalt - neatinfo.com
 January 20, 2011

This is the installation instructions for BugLite version 2011.b and later.
A full demo is available at www.neatinfo.com/buglite
The latest version & source code is at www.sourceforge.net/projects/buglite
The latest installation and help instructions are at www.buglite.sourceforge.net
STEP 1 - Load files to target directory
It is suggested that the first use of this program be off the document root directory in a sub directory called "buglite". Once you confirm the program is running, it takes less than a minute to move and re-configure it to some other directory.

The program (as it comes from me) is setup to run in http://localhost/buglite/. This is the development environment on my Win XP box. If you install to this sub-directory on your local computer, absolutely nothing would need to be changed in order for it to run :)
STEP 2 - Configure index.php
If you installing to a windows localhost machine in the http://localhost/buglite/ directory, you can skip this section.

You need to open index.php in a text editor and find the section of code similar to that shown below. It should be located around line number "50".

Modify the $_SESSION['BASEURL'] to point to the proper web address.
   #  +-----------------------------------------------------+
   #  |             INITIALIZE SESSION VARIABLES            |
   #  +-----------------------------------------------------+
   #  url to program                                          
   #  example: 'http://www.example.com/buglite/';             
   #       or: 'http://localhost/buglite/';                   
      $_SESSION['BASEURL'] = 'http://localhost/buglite/';  
   #  path to program from document root                      
   #  example: '/buglite/'                                    
      $program_dir = '/buglite/';                              
   #  database name                                           
   #  example: 'bugs.sqlite3';                                
      $_SESSION['DBNAME'] = 'bugs.sqlite3';                
   #  +-----------------------------------------------------+
   #  |          END OF USER CONFIGURABLE VARIABLES         |
   #  +-----------------------------------------------------+ 
STEP 3 - File permissions
If you installing to a windows machine, you can skip this section.

If you are using a Linux/Unix web server, make sure directory and file permissions are what they need to be. My web hosting provider messes with the file permissions during ftp uploads and I have to change them before Buglite will work!

Starting with Buglite Ver 2011.b, a new utility is located in the Buglite root directory called set-permissions.php. To use this utility, it must have it's permissions set to "644", then it can be run. It will recursively go through all Buglite files and directories and set them appropriately.

directory permissions = "755"
file permissions = "644"

STEP 4 - Database name
If you use the default settings, you can skip this section.

If you are using this program as it comes ready for install, a practice database is provided and will run automatically. If this is a re-installation and you have customized your database, then you need to copy your old database to the "Buglite" root directory and set the database name. The default name is bugs.sqlite3
STEP 5 - Run it!
Point your browser to the program sub directory i.e. http://localhost/buglite/ or your installed site name such as http://www.example.com/buglite/ You should get the login screen.
STEP 6 - Login
The pre-loaded DEMO DATABASE has two primary users. "guest" and "admin".login is allowed so all you have to do is click on the login (leave the password blank). The guest user has all the normal access accept the admin menu.

 guest  user = guest   password = leave blank
 admin user = admin  password = admin
STEP 7 - Preparing a live db
You really should play around with the DEMO db before using a LIVE db - see the "hints" in the next section. However, when the time comes to use a LIVE db, here is the setup procedure.

a)  Initialize a live db [admin]->[Live db init]
b)  Disable unwanted categories, and create your own new choices
   of categories [admin]->[Category]
c)  The DEMO db allows guest logins and auto registration, change
   these if you want something else [admin]->[Site]
d)  Add any users, admins, or leads [admin]->[Users]
e)  The default new user privileges are set by user id=2. Change any
  default privilege settings in the [user edit] for id=2 [admin]->[Users]
f)  Change the admin password [admin]->[Users]
To reset the DEMO database,

a)  login as "admin"
b)  from the main screen, select [admin]->[Demo db init]
c)  logout, then login again

In all my development, I have never locked myself out. But if this were to happen, there is a simple way to get up and running again.

Each time you "init" the DEMO or LIVE database (or archive), a copy of the existing database and uploaded files are saved in a sub-directory under "archive" with a date-time stamp.

1)  Delete the dis-functional db in your program root directory.
2)  Copy one of the good archived database files to your program root directory.

Now you should be up and running again. It doesn't really matter what archived db you use. All you are trying to accomplish is getting access back to the menu system where you can "init" another DEMO or LIVE db.

If this "how2" file is being viewed within an Apache, WinIIS, or other HTML SERVER environment, you can click this [ link ] and run a SQLite/PDO/PHP system check. Or the help system may be reached by selecting this [ link ].